Participating Radio & TV Drill Broadcasters
Radio and TV Stations that will play the ShakeOut Drill Broadcast 10:19 am on October 19, 2023 will be listed below.
All radio and television stations in British Columbia are urged to participate by playing one of the audio or video drill broadcasts. All stations listed below will be playing the drill broadcast on October 19 at 10:19 AM unless otherwise noted.
Contact us if you are a radio or TV broadcaster who would like to participate in this year’s ShakeOut!
Participating TV Stations:
Add a Station
Fill out a form below to add your Station to the ShakeOut broadcasters list!
Over 56.4 Million Participants Worldwide
Participants in BC Last Year:725 Thousand
Who's Participating? Click on a region on the map of BC to see the region specific participation tally.
Join the Drill
Don't miss out, register by Dec 31st.
Current BC Wide Total
Cariboo 1
Kootenay 250
Lower Mainland 7,026
Nechako 1
North Coast 1
Northeast 0
Thompson Okanagan 491
Vancouver Island / Coast 3,802